Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Whitt, of Bean Station, announce the engagement of their daughter, Brooke Whitt, to Tyler Lynch. Tyler is the son of Norma Lynch, of Morristown, and the late Donnie Lynch.
Brooke is the granddaughter of Linda Johnson, of Morristown, and the late Andrew Johnson, and Priscilla McGinnis Whitt of Bean Station and the late T.J. Whitt, and Betty Belcher, of Elizabethton.
Tyler is the grandson of Ocie Young of Thorn Hill and the late Merlin Young, and the late Ulys and Inez Lynch.
The wedding is planned for 3 p.m., Saturday, April 20, 2019 at Northside Missionary Baptist Church, Easley Court, Morristown. A reception will follow in the church fellowship hall.
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