Kaye (Howell) Forester, 79, went to be with the Lord suddenly on.
She was a lifelong member of First Baptist Church Morristown. Kaye was in the instruments and media department and was a trustee of the church. She was a life and thirty-year member of the Morristown Hamblen Lions Club. She was a past district governor of Lions Club District 12N and a Melvin Jones Fellowship Award recipient. She retired from Russellville Elementary after 34 years of service in the Hamblen County Board of Education.
聽She is preceded in death by her husband, Dwan Forester; parents, T.W. and Alma Howell; and sisters, Faye Hashe and Charlotte Doka-Melroy. Kaye is survived by her brother-in-law, John (Anita) Forester; several beloved nephews; as well as several great nieces and great nephews.
聽In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to the Hamblen County Lions Club and/or the Hamblen County Animal Shelter.
聽The family will receive friends from 10-11 AM, Saturday, January 18, 2025, in the Chapel of First Baptist Church. Funeral service will follow at 11 AM, with Rev. Danny Georges and John Greene officiating. Interment will follow the service in Emma Jarnigan Cemetery.
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