Gladys M. Coburn, age 90, of Morristown passed away January 10th, 2025 to be with her Heavenly Father. She was a member of Fairview Bible Baptist Church.
She was preceded in death by her parents; Howard and Myrtle Long, her husband; Chuck Coburn, daughter; Carla Smith, grandson; Ashley Smith, great grandson; Seth Satterfield and her brother; James Long.
She is survived by her Daughters; Debbie Satterfield (Burl), and Marcia Scott (Roger), grandchildren; Amber Lawson, Greg and Eric Satterfield, Coby Scott, and Logan Southerland (Krystal), step great grandson; Landon Tuck, Mitchell Smith, Destinee Jarnagin, Jessee Lawson, Ava Satterfield, and Lily Smith, great-great grandchildren Leland Smith and baby Soren Smith, sister; Vickie Manning (Bill) and her best friends; Evelyn and Joy.
A Graveside Service will be held at Liberty Hill United Methodist Church Cemetery, 1508 Old Liberty Hill Rd. in Morristown, Wednesday, January 15th at 2PM with Rev. Bill Manning officiating.
Arrangements by Mayes Mortuary.
To plant a tree in memory of Gladys Coburn as a living tribute, please visit .
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