Virginia Anderson will celebrate her 100th Birthday July 21, 2023.
Virginia has been living in Houston,TX with her daughter, Sandra Anderson Townsend and Son In Law Glen Townsend; all are former residents of Morristown.
She will be celebrating her birthday with family in Houston.
Larry Anderson, her son will join from Denver, CO.
Her two Granddaughters, Robin and Kelly and their families including her Great Granddaughters, Perry and Rachel will join them.
Virginia and her late husband, Harold Anderson were active members of First Baptist Morristown and served the community at Daily Bread, volunteering at Morristown Hamblen Hospital, and were active pole workers.
Virginia was a member of Ladies Reading Circle and DAR when she was in Morristown.
She loved living in Morristown and developed many friendships through the years. She is blessed by all of her years in Morristown.
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