The Rev. Tom and Tammy Wells, of Morristown, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lindsey Marie Wells, to Andrew 69制片厂制作传媒淎ndy69制片厂制作传媒 Michael Barnett, son of Brad Barnett and Amy Barnett, of Pigeon Forge.
The bride-to-be graduated from Morristown-Hamblen High School East and holds a bachelor of science in nursing from Carson-Newman University, where she played NCAA divison II volleyball for the Eagles.
Lindsey is employed as a registered nurse with the University of Tennessee Medical Center in Knoxville.
The groom-elect graduated from Pigeon Forge High School and holds a bachelor of art in history and psychology from Carson-Newman University, where he played NCAA division II basketball.
Andy works as a licensed independent contractor and claims consultant for Hancock Claims Consultants based out of Atlanta.
The wedding ceremony will be held on Saturday, June 9, at 5 p.m. at the Plantation Barn of 1810, 2505 Valley 69制片厂制作传媒 Rd. in Morristown. All family and friends are invited to attend.
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