Miss Rachael Elizabeth Rippetoe and Mr. Cory David Sigler, both of Morristown, have announced they are engaged to be married.
The bride-to-be is a 2009 graduate of West Greene High School and a 2014 graduate of East Tennessee State University with a bachelor69制片厂制作传媒檚 degree in criminal justice.
Rachael is the daughter of Heather Rippetoe of Morristown and Jeff Rippetoe of Dandridge. She is the granddaughter of Sandee Seal of Morristown and the late Danny Seal; and the late Ernest and Betty Rippetoe of Morristown.
The groom-to-be is a 2010 graduate of Morristown-Hamblen High School East. He is employed at Insurance Auto Auctions in Knoxville.
Cory is the son of David and Phyllis Sigler of Morristown. He is the grandson of Mary Edith Sigler of Morristown and the late Clarence Sigler; and the late Jeff and Maxine Golden of Morristown.
The couple are due to be wed at 5 o69制片厂制作传媒檆lock on the evening of May 26 at the General Morgan Inn in Greeneville. Invitations have been sent.
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