Brandon Latchford, 19, of Newport, North Carolina, passed away on Friday, September 13, 2024.
Brandon was born on February 11, 2005, in Raleigh, NC, to Brian and Caroline Latchford. He was a graduate of Croatan High School and was continuing his education at Carteret Community College where he was on the President69制片厂制作传媒檚 List. Brandon had a passion for technology, particularly in the field of computers, and was pursuing a degree in Cyber Security.
Brandon will be deeply missed by his family who loved him dearly. Those remaining to cherish his memory are his parents, Brian and Caroline Latchford of Newport, NC; sister, Audrey Latchford of Newport, NC; paternal grandparents, Kenneth and Janice Latchford of Whitesburg, TN; maternal grandparents, Richard and Nancy Doremus of Jacksonville, NC; and several aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Brandon was preceded in death by his maternal grandfather, James Rush Jr.
Family and friends are welcome to submit online condolences at .
Arrangements by Munden Funeral 69制片厂制作传媒 & Crematory in Morehead City, NC.
To plant a tree in memory of Brandon Latchford as a living tribute, please visit .
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