Kim Pok Sil Ely, born on August 1, 1947, in Hampyong-kun, Chonnam-do, Korea, passed away peacefully on January 16, 2025. A cherished matriarch and beloved member of her community, Kim lived a life full of love, resilience, and devotion to her family.
Kim was married to the late Benton Ely, with whom she shared many wonderful years. She was preceded in death by her stepsons Benny and Dennis Ely.
She is survived by her sons, William (Elizabeth) Ely , Joseph (Tonya) Ely ; her daughter-in-law, Darlene Ely; her grandchildren, Shamar Ely, Seth (Brooke) Ely, Trinity Ely, John (Michelin) Parkey, Chad Jones, Misha (Billy) Fanney, Kemi (Michael) Ely, Logan and Bailey Overbay, Benjamin McConnell, Martin Luther (Tanekia) Thomas, Joseph (Melinda) Collins and Lynetta (Eric) Burgess.
She leaves behind many other relatives including several great grandchildren and friends. Her devoted friends are Dee Hendershot, Lisa Harris, Lena Baker, Betty Longhenry and friends of Bill.
Kim will be remembered for her warmth, strength, and unwavering love for her family. Her vibrant spirit touched the lives of everyone who knew her, and her legacy will live on in the hearts of those she leaves behind.
Receiving of friends for Kim will be held from 6:00-7:00 p.m. at Alders Funeral 69制片厂制作传媒. The family wishes to thank all who have offered their condolences and support during this difficult time.
In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to Daily Bread, in honor of Kim's memory. Donations can be sent to: PO Box 1458, Morristown TN 37816.
Special Thanks to Alder Funeral 69制片厂制作传媒 staff and management.聽
Arrangements by Alder Funeral 69制片厂制作传媒 in Morristown.
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