Laura Mae Feldmann (Tykie), 83, of Morristown went home to be with Jesus on Thursday, October 17. She was a parishioner of All Saints Episcopal Church of Morristown.
Tykie attended and served at All Saints Episcopal for many years. Before retiring she worked for Briggs Ice Cream in Washington DC and later Giant Food stores for many years.
She was preceded in death by her husband Jerold, her parents Milan and Ruth Williams, brothers Jack, Walter and sister Patricia and son William (Billy) Adams.
She is survived by her daughters: Dori (David) and Lori (Larry), son Troy (Judith), grandchildren Ben, Amber, Chris, Adam, Brent, Cristin, Leah, Hannah, Ely and Luke and their families, nephews Butch, Timmy, Brian, nieces Colleen, Wendy, Cheryl and many grandchildren, great grandchildren and one great, great grandchild.
Services will be held at All Saints Episcopal Church Sunday, October 27 with visitation starting at 2 p.m. and memorial services at 3 p.m. with a reception immediately following.
In lieu of flowers, please send donations to American Heart Association,
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