Don McDonald, age 88, of Morristown, passed away Monday, October 28, 2024 at his home. He was well known throughout the community for his teaching, coaching and wildlife carvings.
Born August 8, 1936, in Vinton VA, he was the youngest of six children. He was an outstanding athlete and played football at East Tennessee State University, where he met his wife, Emily. They eloped on October 15, 1960. They moved to Morristown to start their family and his career as a teacher and coach with the Hamblen County School System. He began at Morristown High and was later at MHHS West. He coached football, track and cross-country for many years. He developed many life-long friendships with fellow coaches, players, and students. His influence reached far beyond the classroom. In his later years he was the Vocational Director in Hamblen County and Johnson City School systems.
He was an avid hunter and fisherman. He loved hunting deer and turkey and fishing for bluegill and crappie. This love for wildlife inspired his talent for wood carving. He was a self-taught artist, carving for over four decades. He loved carving songbirds. His carvings, though life size were small and intricately detailed. Over the years he also carved ducks, turkey, birds of prey and enjoyed painting watercolor landscapes.
He was preceded in death by his wife, Emily (Flora) McDonald, his parents: Frank and Carrie (Bush) McDonald of Roanoke VA, and in-laws: Harley and Irene (Howe) Flora of Rogersville TN.
聽Don leaves sons and children: David (Jamie) McDonald, Matthew and Joshua, of Talbott, Mark (Nancy) McDonald, JD and Laura of Johnson City, sister: Nancy Johnson, of Salem VA, and several cousins, nieces and nephews.
聽Special thanks to the staff of UT Medical Center Hospice Services and personal caregiver, Patricia Bullard.
Receiving of friends will be Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 11:00-1:00 at Alpha Baptist Church, 245 St. John's Road, Morristown TN. Service to follow at 1 p.m.
聽In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to the Alzheimer's / Dementia charity of your choice.
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